Tag Archives: Fashion


8 October 2013

Men have got it so easy, don’t they!? Suits for the office and jeans at the weekend. Sorted! Erm, not quite I think. There’s definitely a knack to dressing ‘well’ and picking combinations that are classic but interesting and different.

I’ve been collecting pins on men’s style and fashion trends on Pinterest and Tumblr for a while and feel it’s time to reveal my favourite picks. I’ve tried to keep the fashion autumnal as I want to bring you a new board every season and added a few lifestyle shots that will make any man weak at the knees… vintage Rolex, Porsche or Triumph anyone? Not to forget the manly beers around the campfire, hiking, biking and surfing. Plus a few of my favourite male icons like Ryan Gosling (DREAMY), Javier Bardem (MANLY) and Laird Hamilton (DUDE) to add a bit of glamour. Et voilà… there’s your men’s fashion and style mood board!

If you want specific trends, here’s what I’ve picked up for the coming season. Tweed is HUGE as are chunky knits, rugged boots with suits, beads and bracelets peaking out from a formal shirt, denim in the office, grandpa style bow ties, duffle coats, hiking boots and wild beards depending on what line of business you’re in. If you want to start somewhere wear layers and more layers. I love a shirt and tie with a waistcoat, suit jacket and coat, maybe even a handkerchief poking out. As you know Patrick Grant is a bit of a fashion icon for me and a good place to start if you want to dress formally with a bit of an edge. Check out his new range for Debenhams for some stylish but affordable gear.

Overall, there’s still a distinct 60ies Mad Men flavour around with bow ties and big black frame glasses newly interpreted for the 21st Century of course. Make of it what you like but don’t forget to layer up!

Men Style & Fashion Trends AW 2013 via Stylejuicer.com

Enjoy and I hope you’re inspired!

Annie Signature Stylejuicer

Credits | I’d like to give credit to all the photographers and designers whose work is featured on this board. Sadly, most of the originators can’t be identified anymore so if you recognise your work here please email me and I’ll happily credit you and add your link.


3 September 2013

I have to admit that I’ve had a soft spot for Patrick Grant ever since I saw him in the 2009 BBC documentary about Savile Row, London’s quintessential English mecca of gentlemen’s tailoring and bespoke clothing since the 18th century. At 6ft something he is quite a dish and the owner of Norton & Sons, one of the oldest tailors on Savile Row. He’s also fabulously British and won’t name living customers but past ones include Edward VII, Winston Churchill, Cary Grant and Alexander McQueen.

copyright Chad & Paul Patrick Grant via Stylejuicer.com

Patrick calls himself a bearded bicyclist and bird-lover on Twitter but recently has come to more mainstream fame through judging the ‘Great British Sewing Bee’ competition, another BBC programme. Norton & Sons’ house style is two-button, single-breasted and a handmade two piece suit will cost you upwards of £3,600 depending on the cloth.

His reason for joining the ranks of designers like Matthew Williamson and Henry Holland at Debenhams is that he wants to make clothes for urban professional guys who are not earning the big bucks. He claims his target market wants a great suit to wear to work, a sports jacket, a shawl neck knit, jeans and a classic looking shoe. Patrick himself would have bought these clothes 15 years ago if they existed but instead he had to save up for a year to buy a Prada suit. He says

I think young men are seeing a return to dressing in a more elegant way.

A welcome trend which should support his range of knitwear, suits, shirts, ties, chunky leather shoes, belts, wallets and handkerchiefs. His attention to detail is impressive and rumour has it that only after countless prototypes would he give each garment his seal of approval. He fiercely supports British industry and insisted on using British cloth which he considers the best in the world by a ‘country mile’ though he claims Italians did a much better job of telling the world they were cool.

Needless to say I love his style, attitude and his AW 2013 collection for Debenhams and fully support him in his quest for more TV programmes about fashion history and style.

There are a lot of people who think fashion is too frivolous for somewhere like the BBC, but clothing is serious. It’s important. It says a lot about who we are.

Ok, now all I need to do is convince my American dude to buy into the look and grow a beard.



copyright Chad & Paul Patrick Grant via Stylejuicer.com

Enjoy and I hope you’re inspired!

Annie Signature Stylejuicer

More information | Hammond & Co. by Patrick Grant for Debenhams
Photography | Chad & Paul


2 August 2013

Dear readers, it’s Friday so let’s have some fun and let me take you on a virtual holiday to the beach! I know a lot of you will be sweating it out at your desk but I hope that looking through my beach mood board will trigger some lovely memories and bring a smile to your face. The mind is a powerful thing and I’m going to attempt to take you to the beach in my best soft and soothing hypnotic voice. Ready!? Breathe deeply and close your eyes. Err, no don’t close your eyes as you won’t be able to see my lovely beach mood board.

Ok, let’s start again. Maybe if you close your eyes for a teeny tiny minute or so (without your boss noticing) you’ll be able to smell the salty air, hear the seagulls, feel the sand between your toes, the sun on your face and the breeze tangling up your hair. [Wait, it gets better!] Now, dive into the lapping waves, sharp intake of breath because it’s so frigging cold and splash around until you’re refreshed. [Crescendo coming up] Let the waves carry you back to shore where you dodge the jellyfish and see weed, dry yourself off with a fluffy towel and sit down to drink some cool [make that ‘lukewarm’] lemonade.

Didn’t work!? Ok, I might need some more practice but in the meantime let me leave you with a quote from my virtual twitter friend Alex Andreou:

There’s a part of our soul that only the sun can gladden.

And this, my dear readers, I believe to be true! No sarcasm.

Beach Fashion 2013 via Stylejuicer

Enjoy and wishing you all ‘beachy’ weekends!

Annie Signature Stylejuicer

Credits | I’d like to give credit to all the photographers and designers whose work is featured on this board. Sadly, most of the originators can’t be identified anymore so if you recognise your work here please email me and I’ll happily credit you and add your link.


By her own admission Anna Wolf is living the dream! Her style of photography is loose, fun, surprising and fresh. All prerequisites to be featured on Stylejuicer!

Anna is a California girl at heart though she has been splitting her time between East and West Coast for the past 10 years. You can get a sense of her when you start following her blog and keep up to date where and what she’s been shooting. In my opinion she’s at her best when shooting lifestyle and editorial stories though also very accomplished at polished high-end fashion photography. Her client list is long and credit to her success. You can find Urban Outfitters, Aldo, Quicksilver and Nike amongst them as well as New York Magazine and South China Magazine. She’s also recently been featured on the Girls I Know blog by Jen Steele where she talks about measuring success:

That is a tough one because I think it changes all of the time. When I first started out, success really just meant not waitressing and being able to pay my bills by being a photographer. Now that I’ve achieved that, I want so much more. I think it’s important to never be satisfied with what you’re doing… To always strive for something more and something better. But, at the same time, you have to be able to really appreciate what you have and what you’ve accomplished and also love your work. Its a delicate balance. At the moment for me, success is having a career I am proud of, a beautiful home that feels like home, my health, my family, my friends, my dog.

Read the whole interview at Girls I Know.






























Enjoy and I hope you’re inspired!


Photography | Anna Wolf
More information | Anna Wolf Blog


19 June 2013

mood board, kids, toys, yellow, sunny side up
Yellow is my favourite colour and always has been since Kindergarten, my knee jerk answer to ‘what’s your favourite colour’.
It’s so ingrained that I don’t even think about why it’s my favourite colour anymore. Putting this yellow kids mood board together has made me realise that not only do I associate yellow with sunshine and warmth but it makes me feel happy and upbeat. For me yellow has got energy. It’s fun and loud and noisy and laughs in your face so nothing bad can be yellow, right!? I realise that not everybody may be a fan but hopefully this post will bring a little sunshine to your day.
Sunny side up!
Credits | I’d like to give credit to all the photographers and designers whose work is featured on this board. Sadly, the originators can’t be identified anymore so if you recognise your work here please email me and I’ll happily credit you and add your link.