28 May 2015

breakfast, photography, styling, josefin haag, stylist, residence magazine, 20 kvadrat blog, blogging, northern germany, family breakfast, weekends, tradition, healthy food, american pancakes

Wow, how delicious and healthy does this look!? Stylist and blogging buddy Josefin Haag from 20 Kvadrat shares some of her mouth-watering breakfast styling/photography over on Residence magazine.

It reminded me of my own childhood growing up in Northern Germany where breakfast is a much bigger deal and families take time to lay the table and eat together in the morning. Of course it’s usually a shorter event during the weekdays but at the weekend we would sit, chat and eat for hours which is such a nice and bonding experience and instils healthy eating habits in little ones.

I’m going to try and continue this tradition with my own family though the kids are still very small and certainly won’t sit down for very long I’m planning on coaxing them with different courses of fruit, cereal, cheeses and breads. Yeah right, Mama! Throw in some American pancakes and we’ll be there! *rolls eyes*

PHOTOGRAPHY | Josefin Haag with thanks
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