12 July 2014

behomm, home exchange, community, designers, visual artists, taste, aesthetics, agust juste, eva calduch, attention to detail, invitation only, network, friends, local, tips, travelling, secure, travel

Happy weekend everyone! It’s not often that I post on Saturdays but I’ve got to tell you about behomm, a new online home exchange community for designers and visual artists. The idea is simple: you exchange homes for free. But the unique selling point is that it’s with somebody within your professional community, somebody who shares the same interests and often aesthetics.

I’ve spent many hours trawling sites like airbnb and onefinestay to find a home with appealing decor only to give up after the umpteenth gorgeous feature image lead to yet another horrible bathroom and tiny dark kitchen. I know I’m fussy but my surroundings are important to me and as much as I’d like to explore the place I also like to look forward to getting back to my home from home where I actually get a sense of the people and culture and not just an anonymous hotel room which could be anywhere in the world.

So you can imagine that I was thrilled to receive an invitation this week from Spanish founders and fellow graphic designers Agust Juste and Eva Calduch to join the behomm community and went straight into daydreaming mode. As you can see there are so many gorgeous homes all over the world from some of the most popular cities to countryside retreats that you could easily spent your next couple of years travelling.

For me one of the best things is that most designers and visual artists pay a lot of attention to detail and it’s those little things that make all the difference for your stay. Nice bedlinen, fresh flowers, interesting artwork or quirky decor makes your stay more intimate and you feel like you’re not a tourist but get a taste of life as a local. Getting to know each other beforehand and exchanging tips on what to do and where to go is also a massive benefit as are the additional comforts of home like toys for kids, music, films, books etc.

Agust and Eva believe that sharing is the future but for security reasons have made behomm by invitation only to ensure it stays a true network of friends. Maybe see you on behomm.

behomm, home exchange, community, designers, visual artists, taste, aesthetics, agust juste, eva calduch, attention to detail, invitation only, network, friends, local, tips, travelling, secure, travel

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