Category Archives: Photography


30 June 2015

instagram, my month, may, mymonthoninstagram, photo, photography, trend, style, daily, experiences, beauty, moments, summer, stylejuicer, kids, london, wildboysandgirls_, brand, creation, urban, hip, kids, apparel, decor, moon, smoothies, selfie, lunch, linen

Yay! I love June. The days are long, the temperatures mostly pleasant and I was finally ready to announce my new Instagram name this month @wildboysandgirls_ in case you’re looking for me.

Wild Boys & Girls is my latest creation – a hip urban kids apparel and decor brand that’s going to open it’s online doors at the beginning of September. It’s been so much fun working on this project for the past 3 months though it feels a bit like baby number 3 that needs a lot of nurturing and attention in it’s first year. Let’s hope it’ll grow big and strong. 😉

Hope you enjoy following along on IG and being part of this amazing crazy virtual community. I love seeing all your likes and comments and try and reply to each and every one of them.

Another 2 weeks to go and we’re off on our BIG US adventure. From the Rocky Mountains to Times Square we’ve got it covered. Hop on for the ride!


PHOTOGRAPHY | Annie Kruse. Please don’t take my shots without my permission. Instead follow me on Instagram.

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31 May 2015

instagram, my month, may, mymonthoninstagram, photo, photography, trend, style, daily, experiences, beauty, moments, spring, stylejuicer, kids, london, petersham nursery, hello fresh, milk magazine, national theatre, playtype, richmond, cereal, lotta agaton, zaradaily, zara fashion

May has been a super exciting month for me! Not only did I manage to catch up with various girlfriends but I’ve been working on two really exciting projects and I can’t wait to tell you more about them. Let’s just say that over the coming months you’ll be able to catch sneak peeks on my Instagram so stay tuned.


PHOTOGRAPHY | Annie Kruse Please don’t take my shots without my permission. Instead follow me on Instagram.

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28 May 2015

breakfast, photography, styling, josefin haag, stylist, residence magazine, 20 kvadrat blog, blogging, northern germany, family breakfast, weekends, tradition, healthy food, american pancakes

Wow, how delicious and healthy does this look!? Stylist and blogging buddy Josefin Haag from 20 Kvadrat shares some of her mouth-watering breakfast styling/photography over on Residence magazine.

It reminded me of my own childhood growing up in Northern Germany where breakfast is a much bigger deal and families take time to lay the table and eat together in the morning. Of course it’s usually a shorter event during the weekdays but at the weekend we would sit, chat and eat for hours which is such a nice and bonding experience and instils healthy eating habits in little ones.

I’m going to try and continue this tradition with my own family though the kids are still very small and certainly won’t sit down for very long I’m planning on coaxing them with different courses of fruit, cereal, cheeses and breads. Yeah right, Mama! Throw in some American pancakes and we’ll be there! *rolls eyes*

PHOTOGRAPHY | Josefin Haag with thanks
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29 April 2015

instagram, my month, april, mymonthoninstagram, photo, photography, trend, style, daily, experiences, beauty, moments, spring, stylejuicer, kids, london, tate modern, kandinsky, joseph beuys, art, installation, turbine hall, london eye, millennium bridge, st pauls cathedral, nationa theatre, all day cafe, kitchen, instagram, southbank

As you can see from the photos I had a fabulously London-centric April and feel that I’ve really re-connected with the city and what it has to offer. I can get so head up out here in the ‘burbs with mummy duties and daily chores that I forget how good it is to go out and explore what’s just a short train ride away.

So, I decided to take the kids to the Tate Modern for a day out and they loved running around the huge turbine hall. They didn’t get why there were ropes around the ‘doggie poopie’ as they called Joseph Beuys seminal installation and pretended to be tip toeing around the Kandinsky’s before speeding off down the corridor screaming. After that I decided to treat ourselves to a proper lunch in the cafe and they behaved surprisingly well colouring in their placemat. I even had time to take in the wonderful view over the Millennium Bridge and St Pauls Cathedral before mopping up spilled drinks and picking up food from the floor. Hey, it’s a definite improvement from a few years ago when I remember trying to eat lunch in a packed restaurant with a screaming baby on my lap. Now, that was stressful!

And since it was such a successful day out we took The Cowboy the following weekend for another trip into town and admired the London Eye before strolling along the Southbank and exploring the new all-day cafe at the National Theatre called Kitchen. They served super yummy food and I highly recommend you try it out as it’s a lot quieter than some of the other places along the Southbank.

London, I’ve fallen in love with you – again!


PHOTOGRAPHY | Annie Kruse Please don’t take my shots without my permission. Instead follow me on Instagram.

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8 April 2015

santal 33, fragrance, perfume, scent, le labo, london, cereal, collaboration, illustration, photography, style, trend, signature scent, evocative, for the home

Isn’t it interesting how one story can lead to another.

After writing yesterday’s post about my trip to Le Labo in London I found some wonderful images illustrating some of their signature scents. Such a perfect representation, beautifully set in scene and highly evocative. The shown photography is of my favourite scent: Santal 33.

No points for guessing who their collaborator is. Love you Rosa & Rich!

santal 33, fragrance, perfume, scent, le labo, london, cereal, collaboration, illustration, photography, style, trend, signature scent, evocative, for the home

santal 33, fragrance, perfume, scent, le labo, london, cereal, collaboration, illustration, photography, style, trend, signature scent, evocative, for the home

santal 33, fragrance, perfume, scent, le labo, london, cereal, collaboration, illustration, photography, style, trend, signature scent, evocative, for the home

santal 33, fragrance, perfume, scent, le labo, london, cereal, collaboration, illustration, photography, style, trend, signature scent, evocative, for the home

santal 33, fragrance, perfume, scent, le labo, london, cereal, collaboration, illustration, photography, style, trend, signature scent, evocative, for the home

PHOTOGRAPHY | Cereal with thanks
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