Amongst other oddities I have a slight obsession with storage, putting things away, organising and labelling – so I use the term slight loosely in this context.
Imagine my delight when I saw that IKEA have extended their PS storage collection this year. Every piece comes from a select group of designers working in collaboration with the in-house design team so you get the best of both worlds: Flat pack heaven (or hell) on one side and cutting edge design on the other.
In case you wondered I actually love putting those flat packs together. To me it’s a giant jigsaw puzzle for adults and I feel just a little bit smug when every last screw is used and I can add another allen key to my growing collection.
Favourites from the IKEA PS storage collection are the Ewall Shelf by Keiji Ashizawa and the Ebenchi by Anna Efverlundi. Lovely to see the company evolving with their customers but let’s hope they’re going to keep the iconic little man you can find on every instruction manual.
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Very COOL!